Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Question

So, here's my problem, followed quickly by the question I am pondering.

I've been reading a bunch of those Nora Roberts early novels, the ones that they've re-released as 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 novels. The one I'm currently reading has 3, and the third one I've read before.

At least 3 times.

So here's my question.

If I skip the last book in the book, does it still count as reading it?

Because, normally, I don't count something if I don't finish it. Whether I have 100 pages left or just 10, it doesn't count until I close the book, every single chapter read.

So, does it count this time, or still not?

I'm thinking not.

1 comment:

Jandy said...

Yes, it still counts as reading the whole book - but only two if you count each novel separately rather than as one volume.