Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Books Into Movies

Here's my question: when a book turns into a movie, does that up the books' sales?

I know that many do reprints with the actors on the covers (see Nights in Rodanthe, Pride and Prejudice, or The Pelican Brief), but does that mean they actually sell more?

And, what's more, how does that affect how we read the book?

I don't like books on tape (CD, iPod, whatever), for one specific reason. That's not how I hear the people in my head.

Shut up about mental issues. You know what I mean.

Take Harry Potter, for instance. When I say the name Harry Potter, you probably picture Daniel Radcliff right off the bat. But what about what J.K. Rowling thinks? What about what you thought before the movies came out? And what did Snape sound like before we had Alan Rickman's (amazingly well done) monotone?

Of course, my favorite example is the Twilight movie. While Robert Pattison is attractive, he is not what I pictured for Edward. (See my rant on this one here). So why is it that now, whenever I think of Edward and Twilight, I think of Robert Pattison?

It makes me sad.

Also, there are those times that a movie is based on the book. This little phrase has a very specific meaning. It means that they probably took a little from the book, and went their own way with the movie. Also very sad.

I don't know. Sometimes I wonder about weird things. And then I blog about them, because I don't know how else to talk about them.

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