While I can appreciate the transition, I liked Claire.
Anyway, this time, Hell is trying to take over from the local mall. Yeah, it seems like it would be weird and cliched, but the way they use the cliches (and I mean every freaking cliche Tanya can think of) is absolutely hilarious.
Including (but not limited to) the archetypal Arthur, the evilness of minivans, teens stuck in the mall a la "Mallrats" (and becoming elves?!?), and the two cats. Oh, did I mention the mummy that's trying to suck the life out of Dean, hence upsetting Claire? And the really annoying human albatross that Claire has to deal with...
And! Every woman who sees Dean hitting on him?!? And he's so innocent!
The books are so funny.
Be aware...girl on girl action (kissing). Just a head's up. Diana is a lesbian.

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