Can I just say how incredibly happy I am about who died?
I really don't want to give it away (too big of a hype. Like giving away the final Harry Potter or the end of "The Sixth Sense"), but I loved it (here's your warning...spoilers involved. All throughout. So be careful).
Okay, I loved Bella's parts. The middle section, with Jacob as the narrator? Weird.
Anyway, Stephenie (okay, so I refer to people by their first names. It makes me feel better. By last names makes me feel...distant) did leave it open for another...but not for a long time down the road. By then, I'm sure Bella will have time to have sharpened her gift (I knew she was going to have something! I thought it was going to be like Alice's gift, but I'm not perfect. Or Alice, for that matter).
Can I say...that was the most unexpected thing I have ever encountered in a book? Within the first two hundred pages, I thought it was going to live up to my worst expectations. Killing Bella. When she came up pregnant, I couldn't have been more shocked.
And I knew! As soon as she woke up, I knew Jacob had imprinted on someone! Only took him forever! That's where I called Miranda, to see where she was. I was on page 450, way ahead of her. But I knew it!
The whole ending? A small disappointment, only because I was expecting something so much bigger. A bigger fight scene. A bigger loss.
I guess I got that from the last Harry Potter. They lost a lot. And while those books became darker as the series went on, these only get lighter. More love, more tenderness, more acceptance.
Except Leah. But I'm pretty sure she'll come around eventually.
And Alice! Why did you leave?!? I mean, I get why, but I missed her. And I still am not such a huge fan of Rosalie. Geez.
Sorry. Talk to me if/when you read it. Otherwise, I'll totally give away all the details.
Oh! Right. 

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