What you need to know about these books (One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly, Four to Score, High Five, Hot Six, Seven Up, Hard Eight, To the Nines, Ten Big Ones, Eleven on Top, Twelve Sharp, Lean Mean Thirteen, and Fearless Fourteen) is that they are are hilarious.
Laugh out loud funny. There aren't a lot of books that I laugh out loud with (I'm a bit of a cynic, in case you hadn't noticed), but I usually do with these books.
More recently they've been hit and miss, but this one was pretty good. Lots of sexual innuendo, which is always fun. Tank fainted (Tank!), Lula got engaged (to Tank!), and Mooner has a potato gun. A potato gun. It was too funny.
You can probably pick this one up and not be too lost, though some of it you will be. It's easy to pick up, but you might feel like you're missing some of the finer points of the history.
Anyway, I'm a fan. Very nice, JE, very nice.

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