I bought one, Cross Bones by Kathy Reich. It was $.50 on the paperback table at work...give me a break!
So it was touted as the new Da Vinci Code (Which I have read, and liked), but lacked a little...something.
As Brennan and Ryan are in Canada (Canada?!?), making many jokes about tap pants (tap pants?!?), when Brennan is suddenly shoved onto a case where she finds bones that could possibly be the bones of Christ!
So Brennan and Ryan fly to Jerusalem to either prove or disprove that Max (what Brennan nicknamed the bones that might be Christ) whom the bones could be.
It was convoluted, annoying, and over done.
Not to mention! At the end of every chapter, Reich ended each chapter by telling us that such-and-such wouldn't believe what happened! Then began the next chapter reinforcing that so-and-so really didn't believe it.
And sometimes she didn't even tell us what the surprise was. We had to figure it out.
Not that we weren't smart enough, but it was really annoying.

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