Friday, November 14, 2008

The Excel List

So, I have this really complicated Excel list that I keep about the books I read.

There's the main spreadsheet, which includes all of the following (in order) on any book I read: Title, Author Last Name, Author First Name, Stars?, Last Read, Genre, Sex, Violence, Language, Religion, Fiction/Nonfiction?, Other Authors, Own?, Series?, Personal Notes.

Most are pretty self explanatory, but personal notes is where I put an abbreviated version of this.

I'm going to have to add a new column, though. Blogged. Because I'm going to start re-reading things that I've blogged (I already have for a few, in fact), and I don't want to double blog, or have to go check the stupid records.

Oh, the other spreadsheets in the file are Read in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008, Books I Own (though I now have a new list in a separate file), and Thieves.

How did you think I kept up with how much I read every year and every month? It's on the list...

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