Well, in case you missed it, this on hits the "New Vampire Book" quota. Lady and the Vamp is the third in a series by Michelle Rowen. Thankfully, you don't need to read the first two (which are about Sarah, a different vampire) in order to get this one.
It stars Janie Parker and Michael Quinn. Janie is in the business of doing whatever her boss tells her to do...because she signed a contract in blood (bad idea). Quinn is a vampire. A new vampire. Who used to be a vampire hunter (read: killer).
They're both going after The Eye, a magical...item that grants 1 wish every 1,000 years. Janie's boss wants it to do...well, what he does, while Quinn wants it so that he can become human again.
Needless to say, they see each other again (Quinn hung out with Janie's brother when they were younger, and Janie had a huge crush on him), and sparks fly. Mean while, they're trying to outwit each other for The Eye, defeat the many bad guys they come across, and not fall in love with each other. Oh, and Janie's partner is in lust with her, and Quinn's partner is a werewolf who can't stay in one form.
Confused yet? It's actually not so bad. The dialogue is witty (though a touch lacking), and the (rather inevitable) sex scene come very close to the end.
And, really, he should have let her kill Malcolm any of the times she wanted to. Both of them should know by now that enemies going after the same artifact will keep trying to get it until they either have it, or are dead.
All in all, the book was cute. I like it.

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