Blue Bloods is the first the series (so far, there are 3 out). Schuyler is an outcast teen at an overpriced, rich-kids school.
Oh, and in case you're wondering...she's a vampire. She just doesn't know it yet.
Yeah, all those rich, perfectly-pretty plastic type people? All vampires. Makes you hate them.
Anyway, a whole group of kids are inducted into their new lives (again, a lot of the usual vampire propaganda is not true...used to throw off humans).
But there is something hunting the vampires (they call themselves Blue Bloods, while humans are just Red Bloods). And it's the only thing that can cause true death in them.
And what choice does Schuyler have but to hunt down the thing hunting them? None, none at all. Especially after it...well, I can't say that. Revels a major plot point.
Anyway, well written (if a little confusing). Vampires, by the way, are angels that got kicked out of heaven. So there's an interesting tidbit.
It's odd, and doesn't end on the best of notes. I respect it for that.
But I'm certain she'll find her grandfather.
And I really, really hate Mimi. She's a moron. And Jack needs to wise up.

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