Anyway, Laurell K. Hamilton writes the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. It started out Anita hunting vampires, at some point turned into that and her crazy love life, and went on and on like that. Just when it's getting too much about her love live, there's a great one like this.
In this, Anita goes to help Edward (not Cullen) in Santa Fe. Edward is a sociopath (but an oddly lovable one) that is a friend of Anita's (we've met him before). He needs help finding something (some preternatural creepy-crawly), and that's Anita's speciality.
There is almost no annoying emotional crap, but lots and lots of violence. Lots and lots and lots. Shooting and killing and bloody crime scenes.
Let me warn you-- don't read these books if you don't like the following: vampires, werewolves, sex, blood, violence, guns, magic...okay, you really have to be an odd duck to read these. But given the fact they're being bought (and read), means that there are a lot of odd ducks out there.
But what can I say. Of all the Anita Blake books, this is one of my favorites.

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