Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Question

Okay, so the question is, what do I want to read next? I was chatting with SWMBO, and we were talking about Roarke, and I thought, "Hey, maybe I'll read a J.D. Robb novel."

But then, classes start tomorrow, and I want to get a jump on my YA reading (50 books...sigh). My first book is going to be New Moon, because I know I can get through it pretty quickly.

But then again, I just finished the 2nd in a series, and I know I have the 3rd one just waiting for me. They don't completely draw me in, but I'm fascinated anyway. It's not that they're slow reads, they're just not as fast-paced as I've gotten used to. So, yeah. Probably a good thing.

Oh, and not to mention I'm thinking about a book I read 2 months ago, and am trying to remember what the heck happened in it.

Anyway, the question is, what to read next?!?

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