I just finished
Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz. Okay, what you have to understand about most of Jayne Ann Krentz's work is that it usually has to do with paranormal/psychic stuff. The Arcane Society novels (
Running Hot is the latest) are all about those.
The Arcane Society is a secret society of people with psychic powers. The whole point of the series is taking down a group called Nightshade, who is trying to create a drug to enhance (and even start more) psychic powers.
And, of course, in everyone one, there are two really powerful psychics (1 male, 1 female) who get together to fight the big-bad, even if at first it's not the big-bad.
In this one, it's Grace Renquist (not her real name, but then, we never find out her real name) who's a genealogist librarian (!!) with J&J (basically the Arcane Society revolves around the Jones and Jones (J&J) agency, who promote all things in learning about psychics), and Luther Malone, ex-cop who does some contracting work with J&J.
I did mention it's in Hawaii, right?
Anyway, so they're in Hawaii, trying to see if a guy is really a killer, when they stumble upon the fact that he's using Nightshade, and that there's a big meeting of Nightshade upper management (Nightshade is a corporation). When a woman who can kill with her voice come onto the scene and tries to kill Grace, and succeeds in killing the guy Grace is looking for, they eventually end up breaking the back of Nightshade.
Weird? A little. But oddly believable. You know how if you sing a high enough note, you can shatter glass? Her trick is a little like that...except she causes an aneurysm in the brain. Awesome.
Anyway, I enjoyed it.