Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I just finished Amanda Quick's Mystique (I know. Historical romance. Leave me alone. I wasn't a big fan anyway).

Let me just say...when it's over 50 pages from the end and I figured out the killer AND one of the major twists, that's not a good thing.

What? Someone died by poison? Well, who knows poisons. Let's see, there's the heroine (who would never kill anyone, from the annoying monk to her husband), and the healer at the convent. I wonder who it could be.

Oh, and now that I think of it, when his parents died 30 years ago? By poison? I bet she was the dad's betrothal. Shocker how that works out.

Sorry I ruined that part of it for you. But figuring that out kind of spoiled the rest of it for me. Including the other twist. I just didn't care.

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